wink shared a note by midzerAug 21, 2024

I am looking for a new job opportunity as developer and/or linux administrator:

* location flexible
* 10+ years professional experience
* languages: DE, EN

FOSS references in my GH profile.

CV on request via mail.

Boosts welcome :)


wink shared a note by elleSep 2, 2024

writer: "she quickly dragged a brush through her curly, thick hair"

me: she absolutely did not

OK, so. If someone knows where you have an account, knows your username and password for that account, knows you use a vulnerable YubiKey as your second factor for that account, can physically obtain your YubiKey from you, and has a lab full of expensive electronic analysis equipment to use to observe its behavior across multiple authentication attempts, they can, apparently, extract enough information to clone your YubiKey.

There are some people for whom this is a serious threat requiring them to rush out and immeditaely replace keys. If you are turning to random posters on the internet for analysis of this vulnerability, you are very likely not one of those people.

wink shared a note by soulexpressAug 31, 2024

I met a woman who had never heard of mansplaining, and I had no idea what to do.

It’s not

no way i
t’s MTU

It was M


TFW you deploy and then notice that you don't know where you deployed to.

Good thing is that it's just a static webpage, so a couple files...

This checks out. 🧮

wink shared a note by NordernAug 21, 2024

Problems can be classified by difficulty into either be p, np, or npm.

Remember to keep pirating Disney content so they aren't allowed to kill your wife
