So I had this x230 that I installed with Debian in July 2013 as a work machine, used it daily until 2017, then very regularly until 2019 and sporadically since then, always just upgrading the OS.

Somehow the network config had broken (not the main problem) but while digging around I found so much cruft that I had collected over the years. Using GNU stow, then shifting to nixpkgs, 20 Docker volumes without any images or containers, bridges, lxc, vagrant setups, a root partition too small so I had symlinked several things to /home/...

Anyway, made a backup and installed a fresh Debian 12 with a heavy heart, this installation was the longest-running Linux install I've ever had, going from stable to testing and back again. xfce is running nicely and everything seems to work out of the box, not that I am very much surprised. Only that it's X and not Wayland, I simply wasn't sure about that.

Maybe I need to replace the SSD anyway at some point.