{ "@context":[ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", {"Hashtag":"as:Hashtag"} ], "published":"2022-11-20T18:25:55.387Z", "attributedTo":"https://sup.f5n.org/actors/wink", "to":["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"], "cc":["https://sup.f5n.org/actors/wink/followers"], "content":"

It's a good thread, but it completely misses the point. https://social.lot23.com/@jon/109372257422277945

I don't care if 97% of Twitter users don't want a chronological timeline, *I* want one. When they introduced the algorithmic shit all we asked was a setting to keep the chronological one.

JFTR, I don't care a single bit for any of the other things that were mentioned and I never said any feature would kill twitter, and that matches all the other people I spoke to.

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